/help | Shows all the current Discord commands available. |
/leaderboard [option] | Shows the leaderboard for the list of valid leaderboards. For example, /leaderboard wins will display the wins leaderboard. |
/link | Allows the Discord user to link their Minecraft account. Linking the Minecraft account is necessary for custom commands with placeholders, party commands, and using the /player command without the need to specify a username. |
/party | Allows you to manage parties. You can view, invite, create, and kick players from a party. |
/ping | Shows the Discord and bot's ping to measure responsiveness. |
/player | Displays information about a specific Minecraft player. If the Discord user has already linked their Minecraft account using the /link command, they can use /player without specifying a username to view their own information. |
/update_slashes | Updates the registered Discord commands. This command is often used by developers to update the bot's available commands after making changes. (OWNER ONLY) See config.yml |